Pioneering The Path To Prosperity
A New Feminine Evolutionary Book
- It's Time For A New Paradigm ofProsperity, Wealth and Abundance
Let’s face it, we all want more of the good stuff in our lives… success in our work, loving relationships, and enough money to meet our needs.
It seems so simple... However, creating prosperity requires an awareness of your belief system and the release of those beliefs that no longer serve you.
Pioneering the Path to Prosperity: Discover the Power of True Wealth and Abundance brings together twenty-five leaders who share their raw, vulnerable, and powerful wisdom on manifesting, the energetics of prosperity, abundance consciousness, and strategies and tools for shifting your relationship with money.
It’s time to become aware, unlearn your out-dated beliefs, reprogram for success, and move forward. Whether you read a chapter, devour the book cover-to-cover, or use it as a daily divination tool... this book will light the way you as you travel forward on your path of prosperity.
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