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Learn more about this moon phase and sharing the highest expression of yourLion Heart with courage this full moon.
Here are 3 resources to help you SHINE:
1. Download Sacred Body Wisdom, my new collaborative book, for free during our launch starting on Martin Luther King Jr Day, January 21st!
2. Sign Up for my Mythic Moon Map & Planner and allow the 4 Faces of the Moon to help you tap into your highest expression and create your Mythic Life!
3. Join the Feminine Fire Sisterhood to learn more about the Moon Map, living a Mythic Life and learning to shine in sisterhood. This month we are doing a "Clean It Up" Challenge To Create Sacred Space To Grow Our Intentions. Join sisters around the world as we let go of physical, emotional and energetic things that no longer serve us!

Moon Mat Oracle Reading
One of my secret tools to manifesting the feminine way is to start the year off with a Moon Mat Oracle Reading. This oracle reading using Ariel
Spilsbury's Moon Mat and the 13 Divine Feminine Archetypes helps you discover the archetypal energy that will support you and your dreams in the coming year and includes:
- Pre-assessment questionnaire
- Phone/Video call and Activation with me!- 30 Minutes
- Your personalized Moon Map photo with your archetypal energy cards for the year
- Photo of your Archetypal Cards to place on your altar or vision board
- Your Archetypal Ally of the year intuitively chosen from the 13 Divine Feminine Archetypes
- Your unique Mudra (embodiment posture) & Mantra (sacred affirmation) based on your Archetypal Ally
- Your unique Color Frequency
- Your Sacred Tool for 2019
- An overview of how each element relates to one another
- Audio recording for future reference throughout the year
*As New Year's offer, you can get this reading for 45% off the regular price with the coupon code NEWYEAR2019.
(*This special price has been extended until January 31st!)
If you're tired of running on a hamster wheel of endless to-do's and creating resolutions that don't stick, I invite you to start the year in a new RECEIVING the divine feminine archetypal support that longs to celebrate your success and evolution!
Clean It Up!

We are cleaning up the clutter in our lives with the help of the moon, the sisterhood and our inner feminine archetypes...the Mother, Queen, Goddess and Sage. Join us as we create sacred space to grow our intentions!
Over To You...
What are your releasing so you can SHINE? What are you roaring and claiming this Leo Moon?