Last summer, my family and I set off for a whirlwind adventure and travelled through the western US for 40 days. For the first half of our trip, we rented an RV and that experience helped me gain a deeper appreciation of the importance of water in our lives. Somehow, carrying our water in a limited capacity tank, made us all become more mindful on how much we use water, and often how we carelessly waste it. (You can read more about our adventures on the "Sacred Spaces" blog here).

Afterwards we became more mindful water consumption, and I wanted to deepen into this appreciation of water not only as a practical tool for better hygiene/cooking etc, but also the power of water as a healing, purifying transmitter of intentions and blessings. And since our bodies are mostly made of water, consciously choosing to activate your intention through water has an incredible benefit for our bodies as well.

Water, as an element, is something we use and reach for several times a day. Through the simple act of setting intention or creating a ritual”, water can become a portal to presence in your life and in your family.
Think about how often you come into contact with water. What would happen if each time you came into contact with water, you used that as a moment to become present, to be mindful of you body, your thoughts and your intentions?

In this video I'll share 4 of my favorite ways to use water as a portal to presence.
- Connect water with your daily intention
- Place water in a special vessel and drink in your intention
- Fill a spray bottle with your favorite essential oil and keep it in your purse.
- Take a meditation bath.
I hope you enjoy these practices to help you bring more presence to your life. Click here or on the image below to access this video training.
Over to you...
Which practice will you use to keep your feminine fire burning bright with PRESENCE? Do you have other rituals to keep you connected to the NOW? Please share your thoughts with our sisterhood tribe of feminine leaders....