This new moon starts the beginning of eclipse season...
...where our shadows come to light. For some this may be a very heavy time of looking at things that were previously hidden, or facing those mindsets that no longer serve. It can feel scary and uncertain, and make you wish for things to go back to the way they were. It can feel like navigating in the dark.
It can be an opportunity to find a new way. A chance to open your creative channel and allow new ideas, thoughts and patterns to be born. It takes grounding and trust. It takes deep listening and a willingness to take inspired action too.
That's what happened for me when I was asked to write for the next book in The New Feminine Evolutionary series called "Pioneering The Path to Prosperity". My body was a full on yes...and my head? Well, I had no idea what to write.
My old beliefs began to pop up..."Well, who are you to write about prosperity? You are a one hit wonder, there's no way you'll be able to write this chapter. You just got lucky last time."
Fortunately, I quickly let those thoughts go and decided to meditate and ask for guidance. In that mediation, I received 3 symbols...a martini glass, a wine goblet and a champagne flute.
"What? How is that supposed to help?", I thought.
However, I decided to trust this guidance and sat down to write.
What emerged was nothing I would have ever written from my head. Instead, I rediscovered through the journeys and journals of my life, the ways I have shaped myself into a vessel to catch the delight, love and possibility all around me.
Going back through my journals of over 30 years, I rediscovered a fearless, pioneering part of me that lived a bohemian life in Europe for 6 years after college. I remembered her philosophy of living in the "freedom from certainty" and vicariously lived again those years of adventure.
In those years, this daily dance of freedom was seductive and choosing a frivolous martini off the menu before a delicious meal. Any flavor, any combination, anything my heart desired was available in the freedom from certainty. There were no mistakes, no perfect choices...only adventure and the delightful sip of an extraordinary concoction mixed to please my heart’s desires.
-From "Pioneering The Path To Prosperity"
Somehow that part of me shut down as I became a mother and in my desire to protect and nurture my kids, I wanted everything to be certain.
As my children have gotten older, I've felt this desire to control and certainty, soften. As I enter this new chapter in my life, I feel the desire to claim that more adventurous side once more,
Especially now, as the world grows more and more uncertain, learning to trust my own inner knowing has been key to shifting my limiting beliefs and bringing my work into the world.

I feel so grateful for the opportunity to write for this chapter in a book that seeks to redefine what it means to live in abundance. For me, it's about listening to that inner voice, what I call your Mythic Essence, and allowing that to guide.
So with great pleasure, I'm celebrating the release of this book into the world. It's my dearest hope that my chapter along with those of the other writers will inspire you to live in abundance no matter what your current circumstances are right now. It's available for pre-order on Amazon today, and if you'd like a signed copy you can order from my website.
As you navigate the unknown, my wish for you is to allow the darkness, the stillness to be an opportunity to listen more deeply to the voice of your Mythic Essence and discover the answers already inside of you. And if you need help, it would be my pleasure to use my intuitive gifts to help you way-find your way to a life of abundance. Just book a discovery session here.
To support you living in abundance...
Enjoy the latest Playful Priestess Podcast called "The Freedom Of Not Knowing".
Jane and I discuss how the unknown can make us feel afraid and anxious, AND how we can alchemize this into freedom and open up new pathways for creation.
You'll learn 4 steps to navigate the unknown:
1. Grounding and releasing
2. Trusting
3. Listening
4. Taking Action from a relaxed place versus reactive action
1. Identify an area that you feel uncertain about
2. Practice the 4 steps
3. Share your thoughts in our FB
Over to you...
How have you been navigating these uncertain times? If you reframed uncertainty as a pathway to freedom, creativity and a fresh start, what new idea, project, mentality, outlook would you create?