Happy Full Moon!
Have you been feeling a roller coaster of emotional high's and lows of this eclipse season? It's been dizzying for me as I've been initiated again and again into choosing between staying in the shadow of doubt and despair or shifting to the light of possibility.
On our latest Playful Priestess Podcast, I share a story of falling into that shadow of despair earlier this week because of unmet expectations. I was lethargic, numb and felt really STUCK.
Instead of giving into the despair, I remembered my inner wisdom, the voice that always guides me when I veer off course. I slowed down and in meditation, asked for support and intuitively received a symbol of a square with a cross.
I had no idea what it meant, but the next day, I was invited to attend a workshop on "Anchoring The Blessings" with a wonderful Shaman, Jorge Luis Delgado, from Peru. On his display table I was amazed to discover that symbol, on many of the pieces of Peruvian jewelry he was selling!
I later learned is called a Chakana which represents a bridge and a portal between worlds. After the workshop I knew I that "anchoring the blessings" was the support I needed and booked a healing session with him.

The golden nugget I've taken from this week is this...
"Abundance, joy and possibility are always around us, even in the darkness. And sometimes, like a beautiful rose, we need a trellis of Divine Support to help us reach the next level of our growth. When we are open to receive the support, then the beauty of life, our gifts and our service can truly blossom. "
If you've been feeling a need for extra support lately, I invite you to listen to our podcast "Be Open To The Magic Of Possibility" where I share this story and offer 4 steps to bring more synchronicity and magic into your life...especially when you need more support. You'll also learn 2 practices for you to do this full moon to open up your capacity to receive.
And for more support on receiving abundance, I'm delighted to announce the release my second co-authored book on this full moon, "Pioneering The Path To Prosperity: Discover The Power of True Wealth and Abundance".
Writing my chapter "Vessels of Abundance" was a magical, synchronistic experience and I look forward to reading the other authors contributions.
"Pioneering the Path to Prosperity: Discover the Power of True Wealth and Abundance" brings together twenty-five leaders who share their raw, vulnerable, and powerful wisdom on manifesting, the energetics of prosperity, abundance consciousness, and strategies and tools for shifting your relationship with money.
Whether you read a chapter, devour the book cover-to-cover, or use it as a daily divination tool, this book will light the way you as you travel forward on your path of prosperity."
To amplify abundance in your life purchase your copy on Amazon here: A portion of the proceeds from your purchase will be donated to the Pachamama Alliance (www.pachcamama.org) or for a signed copy from me, order on my website.
May you become a vessel of abundance for all that you desire!
Over to you...
What magical synchronicity has been showing up in your life?