Happy Summer Solstice!
I love summer solstice...the mid-point of the year, and a time to celebrate all the goodness received so far this year. On the solstice last year, I was at Medicine Wheel Monument in Wyoming and did a powerful ritual of prayer at that amazing place.
Here's a photo with my family with the Medicine Wheel behind us. For thousands of years, Native American's performed sacred rights and rituals at this magical place which is geometrically aligned to the stars and the solstice.

This year, I'll be home with my family in Florida and enjoying the lazy days of summer. However, the journey to Medicine Wheel still inspires me, and so today I've created a ritual/art project to honor that sacred mandala and the solstice. It's an easy one to do at home by yourself or with your family and it honors all that is to be celebrated while helping you to recommit to your heart's desires for the rest of the year.
I'm calling it my Sacred Solstice Symbol since it incorporates the sun, moon and the sacred geometry of the vesica piscis. This sacred symbol, familiarly known as a Venn diagram, is a unifier. Whether it is the inner and outer world, the mind and body, or the masculine and feminine...the point of contact between the 2 circles is the seat of union, commonality and creation.
Like the solstice, the day between the first half and second half of the year, this symbol helps us focalize and unify what we desire to create and manifest.
All you need is some paper, markers, and some quiet time. Old journals, new year's resolutions list and calendars can be helpful too.
To find out how, download this free gift and instructions here.
I'm also delighted to share a new project I've created with my friend, publisher and sister, Jane Ashley. It's called the Playful Priestess Podcast. Co-creating this with Jane has been like nothing else I've ever created...and very much like how I used to create things with my friends when I was a kid...with ease, a sense of adventure and delight!
So that's what I'm celebrating as well... this new way of manifesting...through joy, fun, play and collaboration. If you'd like to find out more about how we created this, and also help us co-create new shows with suggestions for topics, join us in our Facebook Group, the Playful Priestess Posse.
For some of us, arriving at this mid-point of the year can bring on feelings of not-enoughness or lack of accomplishment. We may feel as though half the year is already gone and so many of our heart's desires have not been met. If you are feeling this way, I encourage you to re-ignite your "feminine fire" and do some sort of ritual or reframe around this so that you find the glass have full, instead of empty.
And if you need some direction, I invite you to create a Sacred Solstice Symbol with me today.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful, sun-filled and moonlight kissed day!
Over to you...
As you look back over the past half year, what are your celebrating today? How have you changed? What gifts and insights have your received?