Last night I saw the musical RENT for the second time this week.
Held outdoors, with socially-distanced seating and masks required, I had the immense pleasure of experiencing the magic that comes from seeing art and beauty in motion through live performance.
What made this extra special was that our daughter was in the cast. (Yep, that's her in the photo below!)
After this past year, we didn't know whether the annual school musical would happen...but it did!
And it came in such perfect timing...

I love how synchronicity works...these signs and symbols from the Universe that are dropped like breadcrumbs for us to pick up along this journey of life.
That's what happened for me when I saw the kids sing "Seasons of Love".
That moment had me in tears as I considered the question that begins the song.
"Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, Measure a year?"
The memories of this past year flooded my heart...The memories of all that I personally, and we, collectively...
Like a healing incantation, the lyrics and melody help bring closure to this extraordinary year, and in divine timing, help welcome the beginning of a new astrological year and season... with the Aries new moon.
On this Aries New Moon, I'm wishing you a happy new beginning, a "Season of Love" and an invitation to consider these questions,
How do you measure your life?
What would it look like to measure your life by how much you love and are loved?
That's what's on my heart today...and I know there are still frozen places in my heart that are in need of thawing so that I can open to more love.
So here's a ritual for this new moon...inspired by "RENT".
1. Click HERE to see the video of the original cast of RENT singing "Seasons of Love".
2. Let it melt the shields of your heart.
3. Journal on the questions above.
4. Set some fiery Aries New Moon intentions that fuel your courage to live a life of love.
May you measure your life in all the little things that open your heart. Like the lyrics suggest, you can measure a year...
In daylights,
In sunsets,
In midnights,
In cups of coffee,
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
And above all, may you measure your life in love,...in Seasons of Love.
From my heart to yours,

During SACRED Spark: Re-ignite Your Divinity, Devotion and Desire, you'll discover the 6 SACRED Living & Leadership Keys that will help you create your Legacy of Love.

During this free 7-Day Online Retreat, you will discover the 6 keys to SACRED Living & Leadership
Each day receive one of the 6 keys to Sacred Living & Leadership-- so that you can unlock your Feminine Power, honor your divine humanity, ignite your creative fire and envision your unique impact as we rebirth the New Earth.
Daily teachings will be held on Zoom (and streamed in The Feminine Fire Sisterhood) at 1pm EST and you will have soul work to complete in your Retreat Packet.
This will all be integrated in our longer Closing Candle Ceremony on 5/7.
Begin this next Season of Love by Re-igniting your SACRED Spark!
Over to you...
Share the intentions that rise up for you after listening to "Seasons of Love" and doing the new moon ritual.