This moon has a Libra flair...all about creating more balance and harmony, especially in relationships!
Have you been feeling some relationship tension? Are you being stretched as you navigate personal and business relationships?
I've been thinking a lot about relationships, especially since my husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary by spending a weekend alone at the beach (well, mostly alone...we brought our puppy!)

It was wonderful to have time just to BE together, rather than manage our household and family life. While at dinner we toasted many of the wonderful places we had been and the magic moments we shared.
And then we took turns answering this question: "How has being married to me impacted your life? How has it made it better, richer, more meaningful?"
Some of the answers surprised me, some delighted me, and all of them helped create more intimacy (In-To-Me-See) in our relationship.
We've had our share of twists and turns in our marriage, but after 20 years I realize that there is no "happily ever after" destination that we are reaching for… instead, every day we get to make the choice to journey the unknown road...together.
“We have yet to discover our “happily ever after.” Instead we live moment to moment, sometimes finding challenge, sometimes joy. At each moment we dance in the darkness of uncertainty together, each judgment or projection a mirror reflecting back our hunger for love, each trial an opportunity to choose to be like a beautiful lotus and rise from the muck. In those moments we know that the true richness of relationships is the ability to turn our shadows into light, to alchemize the baseness of life into the precious gold of love.
Our marriage teaches me to find the light of love even in the darkness and then to be vigilant about savoring love daily. Love is like a fine wine held in a golden chalice. An abundance of love is always waiting to be poured. We only need to polish the goblet and remember to savor the wine.”
-From my chapter, “Vessels of Abundance” in The New Feminine Evolutionary Book, Pioneering The Path To Prosperity
The new moon is a great time to set or receive intentions, to deeply listen and pay attention to what is calling to be released and received.
Where ever you are in your relationships, may this new moon be a time of appreciation, gratitude and clarity as you allow your relationships to be a mirror of "In-To-Me-See" and a reflection of your growth and evolution.
Over to you...
What do you need to release with your relationships? What are you open to receive?