Our new puppy Shakti loves to grab things and make us chase her to get them back.
Recently I found her with a pen in her mouth and she reminded me of how precious the pen is in our lives...especially today, when millions of people in the US are exercising their right to VOTE.
She reminds me of the power of words and how they recreate our reality.
She reminds me that every day we get to re-write our own mythic story, both on the individual level and collectively.
Today is a day where our individual voice gets counted and we have a chance to re-write the collective story...how inspiring!
What is the story you want to re-write for the collective?
What's the story in your own life that you'd like to rewrite?
As look at my puppy's sweet face, I think of what Shakti might want to create if she could vote?
A world of...
....more joy and less fear
... more delight and less blame
...more unity and less division
...more love and less hate
...and above all, lots of playtime, cuddles and treats!
Now that's a story I'd vote for Shakti!
(Shakti of course, means feminine power, life force and energy!)
Whatever the outcome of this election, that's the world I'll still choose to create. And that's the personal story I want to create in my life too...more joy, delight, unity, love, playtime, cuddles and treats!
Accessing the power of the pen, the power of our voice, the power of our choice to rewrite our personal and collective stories is especially powerful today as we sit at the dark of the moon. This is the time of letting go as we enter a new moon phase...the new moon in Scorpio.
This is a time of great transition, of TRUTH rising.
What is your truth, sister?
I invite you to ask yourself this:
What are you choosing to leave at the gateway of this moon, so that you can step gracefully into the next transition of your life?
Write this down on a piece of paper and burn or bury it...create your own embodied ritual so that you can truly let go of whatever is holding you back from creating the life you desire.
Do this on or before Thursday when the planet Jupiter moves into Sagittarius and heralds in a time of action, empowerment and determination, so you will have more energy and focus to go for your dreams.
And if you'd like more support, join us in The Feminine Fire Sisterhood on FB here where were support one another in creating a mythic life and a legacy of love.
Sister, you have everything you need within to create the life you desire. You voice and your vote matter, and when you add your unique passion and dreams to the collective, you fan the flame of feminine power that is rising to create a more loving world.
On this election day in the US, I vote for you and your mythic dreams!
Love and moonlight,
Online Event:
The Faster Way To Fat Loss
In the last 6 weeks, I've reshaped both my body and my mind with this amazing program that combines intermittent fasting, carb cycling and exercise! It's wonderful to end the year feeing lighter, and also feeling confident that I now have a lifestyle that allows me to still drink coffee, add in interesting exercise, and cheat a little all while reducing inflammation, shedding pounds, and becoming more mindful about what goes into my body temple.
To keep the momentum going and get me through the temptation of the holidays, I'm joining another round on Monday, November 12th. Learn more and join me HERE or by clicking on the photo below. (Full disclosure: as an affiliate I earn commission for sales of this program, but I only represent products or services that I truly believe in. I've tested this one and it works!)

Local Event:
Writing With Intuition:
How To Find Your True Voice
Join me Saturday, December 1st 10-12pm in this workshop/writer retreat session as I share some practical methods to enhance intuition and allow it to guide our writing. We will explore intuitive pathways, emptying the mind, essential oils, and other techniques that can help you reconnect to your authentic voice. Click here for more information and to register.
Over to you...
What are you choosing to leave at the gateway of this moon, so that you can step gracefully into the next transition of your life?