March 8th is one of my favorite days...a chance to honor and remember women and the incredible difference they make on our planet!
The hearts of up the world with peace, tenderness and compassion.
The minds of women...inspiring us with innovation, wisdom and perception.
The hands of women...building families, communities and caring for our earth.
The wombs of women...creating new life, new opportunities, new businesses, and new possibilities.
So today I honor YOU, for all the ways, big and small that you help create a better world...
All the ways you
Better the Balance and Better the World!
Thank you sister...
In today's world, it's hard to keep our "feminine fire" burning...there's so much to do, so much at stake, so many distractions that keep us from listening to our own inner voice and knowing.
But on this special day, we honor our power and dare to dream into the life we want to create, the world we want for our children and our children's children.
We can tap into the collective fire and passion of women from around the world who are celebrating today, and who know that something must change...and that we, women, are the change makers.
We bring the fire, sisters.
Imagine us united, a world of women lighting up families, communities, businesses, and governments with love, possibility and collaboration.
Imagine us empowered, a world of women singing our soul songs, sharing our gifts, fulfilling our purpose.
Imagine us ignited, a world of women empowered by this vision of hope, love and healing... and held by the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood.
That's my greatest wish and the vision I hold in my heart...
A world lit up with women claiming their power and birthing a new world.
A world of women singing,
I Am SHE who holds
I Am SHE who is held
I Am SHE who ignites the spark
I Am SHE who tends the flame
I Am SHE who stands in the fire
When we claim our feminine power, our feminine fire,
we will not burn.

This is our time sisters. To rise up. To put away our fears. To stop hiding. This is our time to be seen, heard, and celebrated.
I see you sister...your light inspires me to keep going, to keep on dreaming this dream of love for our planet.
Thank you, thank you, thank you...I'm so grateful for all the ways you continue to show up and dare to dream.
So dear sister, on this special day, how will you honor and celebrate all that you are?
From my heart to yours, here are some tips and special offers to help you continue to "ignite your feminine fire" you can keep shining your light in our world.
Keep that flame burning, sister...Together we Better The Balance, Better The World!

Tips to honor yourself and other
women on IWD 2019
MOTIVATE Others & Shine Your Light
Put your hands out and STRIKE THE #BalanceforBetter POSE and make International Women's Day YOUR day - do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women everywhere. Share on social media with the hashtag #IWD2019 and in my free FB group, The Feminine Fire Sisterhood.
IGNITE YOUR FIRE: Download my free I Am SHE" Fire Starter Kit
Raise your feminine vibration and ignite your fire through sight and sound! Using the tools of mantra, yantra and mudra, this free gift will help you activate your inner fire, claim your power as a Creatrix to birth better world, and discover your soul song! Download HERE.
FUEL YOUR DREAMS: Book a Moon Mat Oracle Reading
Feel supported by the moon and the divine feminine archetypal allies that are longing to help you fulfill your dreams. Use the special International Woman's Day coupon code IWD2019 for 20% off. Read more about the reading here.