Every day I’m grateful for my intuition and how it’s guided me all my life.
Even in the midst of uncertainty, even in doubt and fear, I’ve always turned to that still voice inside and it has led me on the most amazing adventures…like the moment captured here — 23-year-old-me to kneeling in the streets of Madrid draped in a designer jacket and pearls for a photo shoot!

That adventure began by listening to the whisper of my inner voice that after college said…”Don’t get a job now, go to Europe instead.”
On the plane to Madrid in 1989, I wrote how I felt because I said “yes” to that voice within…
“A dream come true and I am scared...but also excited. I think how this trip will change me, and who I’ll be when I return.
When I arrive in Madrid, I’ll no longer have the sense of security I have here. It will be confusing and scary, but still...exciting!
Finally I will live those words, that philosophy that so struck me when it blossomed...I will live in ‘the freedom from certainty.’”
As I grew older, I tucked that philosophy away, like this photograph, in a dusty album of my psyche.
Married, settled down and with children, I craved certainty…I wanted everyone to be happy, safe and healthy.
But 30 years later, I rekindled the memory of my fearless self when I was asked to write for a book called “Pioneering The Path To Prosperity”.
I had no idea what to write about, so I turned to my intuition and asked for guidance. Since my main intuitive channel is clairvoyance, in my mind’s eye I saw 3 symbols…a martini glass, a wine goblet and a champagne flute.
Trusting the symbols, I began to write and as I felt into the energy of the martini glass a memory of my daring 20-ish self came back.
I dusted off my old journals and began to read with wonder about that fearless part of me that found prosperity in DELIGHT---I had forgotten that was an adventurer who lived her own philosophy, “The Freedom from Certainty”.
As I continued to write and feel into each of the symbols, each of the vessels gave me a nugget of wisdom to savor from my own life experience…
The martini glass taught me to Savor the Abundance of Delight.
The wine goblet taught me to Savor the Abundance of Love.
And the champagne flute taught me to Savor the Abundance of Possibility.
That chapter called “Vessels of Abundance” became a journey of reclaiming forgotten parts of myself and this deep inner knowing that abundance is all around, even in the darkness.
The secret to prosperity is to become a Vessel of Abundance and catch Delight, Love & Possibility as it pours!

Those 3 nuggets also became the basis for much of what I teach today as a transformational coach, priestess and intuitive guide.
For me Writing + Intuition are keys to harvesting wisdom that can benefit your life…and others.
That’s why I’m delighted to include a special bonus “Discover Your Soul Voice With Intuitive Writing” Masterclass in my new program, Moon Cycle Magic.
Moon Cycle Magic, is a synthesis of what I’ve learned over years of working with my intuition and how intuition helps us live soulful lives as we connect to our inner Soul Voice and navigate the adventure of life.
Plus it’s structured around 4 moon phases and 4 Feminine Lunar Archetypes which help to easily integrate lunar living practices into your daily solar life…all while strengthening your confidence in your inner voice.

If you sign up by November 22nd, you get a whole extra moon cycle of support in the Moon Cycle Magic Community so that you can "Be Held Through The Holidays".
Richard Rudd, author of the Gene Keys says this about intuition...
“The more you trust your intuition, the more integrated your life becomes...the path of your destiny is made increasingly clear and events move more smoothly as though the entire universe were supporting you.”
That’s what I know to be true…Intuition help us feel the support of the entire universe!
If you want to learn more about Moon Cycle Magic, click HERE.