A new year, a new decade
Dare To Be Mythic
How are you feeling about this new year, this new decade?
I've been contemplating and receiving in gratitude all that has come to pass this year and since 2010. For me it's been a year of growth, and a decade of DISCOVERY.
Back in 2010...
- I was an overwhelmed mom with a marriage on the brink of divorce.
- I yearned to fulfill my purpose, but I didn't know what it was.
- I had big dreams, but I was too scared to take a step forward.
- I felt alone in the dark without a guiding light to lead the way.
These past 10 years, I found that guiding light...not in anyone or anything else, but in myself.
I began to listen to that small voice within, and take small steps toward the life I desired.
The more I listened to the voice of my mythic essence (that I lovingly call Princess Flutterbye!) the more magic, joy and possibility I found and experienced in the world.
It hasn't always been easy...my smaller self can still so easily latch onto fear and doubt, but now I know that once you discover your mythic essence and purpose, She's always there to help you find your way.
I wrote about this in "Pioneering The Path To Prosperity" and I offer you this "Toast of Possibility" as you work toward your dreams this next year and decade.
Some of my dreams are still in progress. I’m learning to claim more of my essence than my ego, as I raise a glass and toast the possibility of what is not here yet but of what’s to come.
Sometimes I hold the glass with confidence, remembering all the signs that guide me.
Sometimes I hold it with courage, even in the face of the unknowable path.
And sometimes I hold the glass with trepidation and doubt, my smaller, safe self wondering,“ Will this actually happen? Am I enough to make my dreams come true? Will this love last?”
My glass becomes heavy with fear and expectation. My body contracts as I shrink away from my soul’s divine purpose.
And that’s when I need to hear Her most, my mythic essence: Princess Flutterbye, whose love of life, love, and adventure have always guided me to live “the freedom from certainty”.
At those moments, I hear Her clearly. Her voice no longer a whisper...
My darling, put the glass down.
That’s not the way to toast!
Let go of the hesitation, the speculation, and doubt.
And then pick up the glass.
A true toast is seeing what you desire
As already here...
“To your wonderful life
To your amazing marriage
To your happy family
To your good health
To your sacred and successful businessTo your financial freedom
To a peaceful planet
To setting the world on fire with love.”
See it already here, beloved
And then...
A clink.
A swallow.And it is done.
So dear sister, what wonderful desire are you toasting for this new year? This new decade?
Rather than make a list of resolutions this year, here's a fun (and bubbly) Toasting Ritual instead:
1. Decide how you want to feel and who you want to be in 2020.
2. Make a list of what you desire.
3. Pour yourself something bubbly (kombucha, sparkling water, champagne)
4. Claim your desires as already here with your own mythic toast!
Then tend the seeds of those intentions and nurture them daily. And be sure to celebrate your progress along the way with more toasts of possibility.
I'm here raising the glass with you, eternally seeing and believing in the mythic woman you already are and saying...
Thank you sister for all that you are and all you do. Thank you for being a light in the darkness. Thank you for your presence and for being a part of our soulful tribe.
Here's to you amazing sister...may 2020 be filled with the magic of possibility and the birth of your mythic dreams and desires!
It is done.
It. Is. Done.
Much love and magic,