Happy New Moon in Aries!
This fiery Aries new moon, combined with the energy of spring, is a great time to declutter, so today's video is about how to make decluttering an act of liberation...by using the archetypal energy of the Liberator.
The Liberator is found in archetypes like the Hawaiian Goddess Pele, the Hindu goddess Kali, or the character of “Jean Grey” in the movie the X-men. Like a volcano, this archetypal energy is VERY powerful, as she destroys, preserves and creates the new.

Accessing her energy as a powerful ally, can help to reduce and eliminate any stagnant places in your life...any places that are cluttered with the old and in need of a fresh, new beginning.
The changes you make on the outside mirror those that happen on the inside, so enjoy this video designed to help you ignite your inner Liberator as you clear clutter, connect with family and make more room for you dreams.
To you liberation!
Over to you...
Which of these 3 reasons to you have for not clearing the clutter in your life? How will you use your Liberator energy to clear the clutter and make more room for the life you desire?
“I don’t have time.”
“I don’t have enough energy.”
“It’s so boring.”