In these last weeks, I've been struggling with the sadness I feel because of the shooting in southern Florida, my home state.
When I first heard the news, I only watched TV for a few minutes because I knew it would break me.
I struggled between wanting to know what happened so I could send my support through prayer, and wanting to protect my heart from the pain that these always shootings bring up in me.
I only allowed in, what I could handle while trying to take care of myself, my family and my work.
But one day, I overheard the voices of young students on TV talking about their plans to take a stand for gun reform in our country.

I stopped to really listen.
I empathized with their pain of losing friends. I imagined the fear they must have experienced in those terrifying moments. And I broke down in tears when I heard them say, "We are begging for our lives."
But most of all, I marveled at their bravery, their tenacity and determination.
In the midst of darkness, pain and suffering, they chose to alchemize this into "inspired action".
In the midst of darkness, pain and suffering, they chose to alchemize this into "inspired action".
To make their voices heard.
To dare to change the world.

They chose to become like the alchemists of ancient times who turned something base like lead, into something of value, gold.
During dark times, it's hard to remember that we are powerful, that we still have choice.
During dark times, it's hard to remember that we are powerful, that we still have choice.
As women and as mothers, we often face the challenge of turning lemons into lemonade in daily life, and of turning lead into gold as we face illness, loss, betrayal, grief.
So many lives depend on us for nourishment, support, encouragement and love.
So many unknown factors to face in a chaotic, unpredictable world.
Or it can inspire us to wake up, to stand up and create a new world for ourselves and our loved ones.
The truth is we are always at choice. We either choose love or we choose fear.
The truth is we are always at choice. We either choose love or we choose fear.
As we choose love, we choose to alchemize even the darkest moments into gold.
In this podcast, part II of "Motherhood Is a Path of Evolution", Patricia Panasri and I, take a deep dive into this topic of alchemizing dark moments into gold.
And share how that it's within our darkest moments, that we often find the greatest nugget of wisdom.
- I’m she who holds, I’m she who’s held, I’m she who ignites the spark [3:16]
- The birth of your inner masculinity [4:38]
- I am she who tends the flame [5:23]
- Why you don’t have to wait to create sacred space [7:54]
- Instead of “What do I need to do?” Ask yourself “What does this year want from me?” [9:02]
- Stepping through a situation or portal, how do you choose to step in, from love or fear? [15:32]
- What do our shadows tells us about the treasures [17:54]
- How to alchemize your darkness into gold [18:15]
- She who stands in the fire [18:47]
- The responsibility of mothers to birth a new consciousness [20:27]
- Poem; I am she who stands in the fire [21:53]
- How do you come back to the source? [28:48]
- How can support and sisterhood guide you through the obstacles of motherhood so you can choose love [29:57]
Over to you...
How have you been choosing love even in the midst of pain and sadness?