Be Supported & Create Space To Dream This
New Moon In Capricorn
This blog is being posted few days late since I've been honoring my body with rest as I recover from a cold. It feels great to start the year and the new moon choosing to listen to my body rather than push thru and get things done.
Especially at this time of January when everyone is used to charging forward with new year's resolutions on January 1st, only to be discouraged a week or 2 later.
However, since I've followed the feminine path of moon and the seasons, I now see January, the beginning of winter, as a time of hibernation instead of action, a time to deeply rest, dream and listen.
Instead of starting the year with resolutions that usually fail, I invite you to dream into the seed intentions that are longing to grow this year and to nourish yourself with that will set the stage for magic and manifestation for the rest of the year!
The new moon and the new year are both times to activate the archetype of Mother as we "Mother" ourselves with love, nourishment and support so we have all we need for the rest of the year. A time to ask ourselves...
What area of my life needs nourishment?
What support do I need to help make my dreams
come true in 2019?
If you've been looking for some additional support as you dream in the year, I'm excited to share 5 wonderful resources/offerings this moon:
1. Get a Moon Mat Oracle Reading: Discover your archetypal allies, tool and frequency to receive more energetic support during 2019. Read more below...
2. Shed unwanted pounds and inflammation with The Faster Way To Fat Loss programthat helped me meet my goal of losing 20 pounds last year. The next 6 week round starts January 14th. Read more below...
3. Declutter your life and create sacred space for your dreams in The Feminine Fire Sisterhood during January's free Moon Cycle Challenge. Activate the 4 Faces of the Moon...Mother, Queen, Goddess and Sage to help you get rid of the physical, emotional and energetic clutter in your life.
4. Download your copy of my latest co-authored book, "Sacred Body Wisdom: Ignite The Flame of Your Divine Humanity" this month. Join The Feminine Fire Sisterhood for the latest updates on when this is available on Amazon later this month.
5. Read this blog on How to Ask Your Essence for Guidance in 3 simple steps and discover your own inner wisdom's guidance for the year!
Wishing you a wonderful new year of possibility as you tune into your feminine compass of inner knowing!
Love and moonlight,

Receive Archetypal Support In 2019 With A
Moon Mat Oracle Reading & Activation
One of my secret tools to manifesting the feminine way is to start the year off with a Moon Mat Oracle Reading. This oracle reading using Ariel Spilsbury's Moon Mat and the 13 Divine Feminine Archetypes helps you discover the archetypal energy that will support you and your dreams in the coming year and includes:
- Pre-assessment questionnaire
- Phone/Video call and Activation with me!- 30 Minutes
- Your personalized Moon Map photo with your archetypal energy cards for the year
- Photo of your Archetypal Cards to place on your altar or vision board
- Your Archetypal Ally of the year intuitively chosen from the 13 Divine Feminine Archetypes
- Your unique Mudra (embodiment posture) & Mantra (sacred affirmation) based on your Archetypal Ally
- Your unique Color Frequency
- Your Sacred Tool for 2019
- An overview of how each element relates to one another
- Audio recording for future reference throughout the year
As New Year's offer, you can get this reading for 45% off the regular price with the coupon code NEWYEAR2019.
*Since I only have space in my calendar for 9 more readings this month, the offer will expire once the 9 spaces are filled or after January 19th whichever comes first.
If you're tired of running on a hamster wheel of endless to-do's and creating resolutions that don't stick, I invite you to start the year in a new RECEIVING the divine feminine archetypal support that longs to celebrate your success and evolution!
Before Aurora's Moon Mat Reading I was draped in the unknown, unsure of how to venture forth in a year that already felt big, unnerving and yet full of possibilities.
Aurora's warmth and wisdom created a safe and sacred space from the very beginning, and the reading itself was "spot on". I could feel the truth of each card and of Aurora's words. I could see how each message applied to me, and how it all wove together creating an energetic loom for my year that left me feeling held, guided, clear, and supported.
By the end, I could see the energies and concrete actions that where emerging for me and that would best support me, my projects and my year.
I am so grateful to Aurora for her gift, for this experience, and would whole heartedly recommend it to all!
-Catalina Rivera Dois
Feminine Mysteries Mentor
Declutter Your Life And Create
Sacred Space To Grow Your Dreams
Join us in The Feminine Fire Sisterhood as we cycle with the moon phases and activate the archetypal energies of Mother, Queen, Goddess and Sage to release physical, emotional and energetic baggage that keeps you stuck and stagnant. Start off the year in sisterhood and feeling great that you have more space for your dreams.
This challenge was inspired by and their monthly forecast theme, "Clean It Up":
"We have some very big energies coming in that you will not be able to take advantage of if you are bogged down in physical, emotional and energetic clutter, old intentions, unfinished business, anything you have put off or procrastinated and should have done “yesterday”, regrets, unexpressed communication, attachments to disappointments and unmanifested dreams, persisting bad habits, and we can go on and on as the list is very long.
You cannot bring in the new without making space by cleaning out the old. It is very simple. We spend lots of time making new lists and talking about what we want to accomplish in 2019 but there is no room for anything new unless we declutter the past. If you clean up the past, you will have many more options about what and how to bring in some new dreams and experiences. And we have tremendous opportunity to do so." -From
I will be broadcasting live in FB on Mondays at 1pm EST in January to activate one of the 4 Faces of the Moon and offer a weekly challenge. Come join the fun and create sacred space to grow your dreams!
Over to you...
What support do you need to grow your intentions for a magical 2019? How can you use the month of January to RECEIVE what is desiring to BLOOM in you this year?