We begin our Full Moon monthly ritual with this question,
In the brightness of this full moon, what do you choose to illuminate and eliminate? What are you letting go of this moon?
We sit in silence and allow whatever is present to arise. For me, it's not a thought, or an incident. It's not a habit or a limiting belief.
Instead it is a sense of heaviness in my solar plexus. I don't know what it means, but I trust it. That's what I'm releasing...heaviness.
When it's my turn to stand, I say this aloud in the presence of my supportive sisterhood.
"I release heaviness."
Suddenly, the second part of our ritual is initiated without thought as I begin to feel the energy of my thighs and feel my feet connected to the earth.
It's time to claim what I'm choosing to cultivate this moon. My hips begin to swirl and my arms dance around me as I say...
I claim my WILDNESS!
Since then, I've felt wildness in the emotional highs and lows of the recent eclipses. We brought home our new puppy (named Shakti which means the animating energy of the divine feminine life force...I guess I shouldn't have expected her to be tame and demure!) and I've been overcome with love for a puppy that I never thought would happen.

I've been overwhelmed with worry and doubt and second guessing myself as this little wild thing, Shakti, threatened to take over our home with her cuteness and her wild nature.
I've communed more with the earth and the outdoors as I see (and smell) the world through her eyes. I'm using my own instinct more as I try to communicate and train her.
I never knew my lessons on wildness would come from a dog! And yet, I'm so grateful for this experience that's showed me in a relatively short time, what I'm truly releasing...
...heaviness that comes as doubt and worry.
...heaviness that comes as procrastination and perfectionism.
...heaviness that comes from being too serious and working too hard.
...heaviness that comes from fear and lack of trust.
With my little Shakti, I've seen that wildness can be fun. That play needs to be a priority. That instinct and using my senses can deeply inform me daily. That life is an adventure to be sniffed out, enjoyed and appreciated.
So on this full moon, I'm celebrating this gem of wisdom brought to me by a little white, wild puff of love. And I'm bowing to all the tough moments that brought me to this one.
These past 6 weeks for many of us have been full of turmoil and uncertainty...and now in this first full moon after the eclipse season, we can take a breather and inhale the all the good we've received.
With this full moon, let us expand our trust in spirit so we can step onto that path of moving forward that we all really want at this time. This moon provides a portal for breaking through past wounds, fears, obstacles and limiting belief systems.
-from www.ThePowerPath.com
This is a great moon for a breakthrough on whatever is heavy in your life. If you're still feeling the heaviness of this season, I invite you to ask yourself those 2 powerful questions:
1. What thoughts, beliefs or feelings do I choose to eliminate and let go of this moon?
2. What thoughts, beliefs or feelings do I choose to cultivate and claim this moon?
And then be watchful on how this unfolds over the next cycle (it could surprise you like it did me!)
If you'd like additional support, join us in the Feminine Fire Sisterhood Circle and be witnessed in our online circle to further empower your intentions and declarations for this moon cycle. I'd love to see you there!
You can also tune into the latest Playful Priestess Podcast, "What's In Your Magical Toolbox" and learn 6 steps to co-create your next breakthrough, creative project, relationship, event or use anytime you feel stuck and don’t know what to do.
May you shine with love and light this full moon,
Over to you...
What heaviness are you releasing this moon? From the spaciousness of letting go, what do you claim? What will you cultivate this cycle?